woodworking plans


Jonesing for a hand tool fix? We have you covered.

I understand why the power tools are popular. They help you to efficiently and accurately. But sometimes the hand tool is a smarter choice. Nothing preps a surface for finishing, as well as the smoothing constant planet and no common is so beautiful as a hand-cut dovetail. In short, to do your best work should hand tools have a place in your shop.

I was lucky. I was exposed to early hand tools. I learned how to sharpen them correctly, and that is why I was able to use them to full effect.And my learning curve was shorter, because companies like Lie-Nielsen was turning out first tools that works right out of the box., it is probably why has a lot of you also caught hand tools error.

I am pleased to announce that starting in this issue you will find Handwork, a new section of fine træbearbejdning devoted to hand tool use.Calm, we'll cover Web site still operated elsewhere in the magazine, but the Handwork gives us a chance to cover the techniques and tools that can do it in otherwise.In line with our overall take on træbearbejdning, we will keep the Handwork practical. we focus on helping you make better furniture by showing you tools and techniques that make sense in a modern shop. and there is very little to cover, even though we are passing pit saws, adzes and other favorites of collectors and historical re-enactors.

Be sure to search for my new blog, also called the Handwork (FineWoodworking. com/extras), where I will bring an even broader approach — look at the new tools, hand tools interview users and decision makers, delivering quick tips and answer questions.

Michael Pekovich calls upon his years of experience in this issue (p. 22), makes the furniture to put together an overview of the tools 12 hand, he considers necessary for the fine Future issues træbearbejdning. Alf Sharp will use a few molding aircraft in order to make custom moldings and Garrett Hack to turn an ordinary bench chisel for an indispensable skew chisel. and it is just some of what we have in the shop!

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